
domingo, 17 de enero de 2010

Wolves Face Death from Aerial Hunting


Wildlife Alert

Alaska's Wolves
Need Your Help

Two Wolves Running (Photo: Corel)

Hundreds of wolves have been killed in Alaska -- shot to death by gunners in low-flying aircraft or chased to exhaustion and shot at point-blank range.

Stop Aerial Killing of Wolves

Please help us stop the killing -- take action now to urge President Obama to help put an end to aerial gunning in Alaska.

Aerial Gunning in Alaska

Alaska's policy allows gunmen in planes to shoot down wolves from the air or chase them to exhaustion, then land and execute them at point blank range.

Dear raul,

In the past six years, more than 1000 wolves have been brutally slaughtered by Alaska's aerial killing program. And the killing continues.But, with your help, we can stop this awful practice!

Take action now to help save these wolves -- sign our petition to urge the Obama Administration to put an end to aerial gunning in Alaska.

Easy targets against fallen snow, wolves are gunned down from airplanes or chased to exhaustion, then shot at point-blank range. State-licensed riflemen can target entire packs -- even pregnant mothers!

It's not wolf management. It's a wolf massacre. Please take action now to save these wolves.

Defenders of Wildlife has long led the fight to stop aerial wolf killing and promote sound management of wolves in Alaska. We were able to stop this terrible practice twice, only to see it started up again after two years. But, with the anti-wolf Bush/Cheney Administration now gone from the White House, we have renewed hope that we can end this awful practice once and for all.   

Urge the Obama administration to enforce the Federal Airborne Hunting Act, the federal law that could stop the killing in its tracks.

Alaska's politicians continue to promote aerial gunning and other extreme measures to kill wolves.

In fact, in 2008 then-Governor Sarah Palin and the state legislature approved spending $400,000 in taxpayer funds to promote the slaughter from the skies and defeat a citizen's initiative to limit aerial gunning. To encourage the killing, Governor Palin even proposed a $150 bounty for the left foreleg of each dead wolf -- a grisly proposal that Defenders of Wildlife was successful at stopping. 

Even with Palin gone, her hand-picked Board of Game is continuing her killing policies.

Please sign our petition right now and help us end aerial gunning in Alaska before move wolves die.

Our wolves are a crucial part of the natural heritage that we'll leave our children and grandchildren, and we have a real chance to end this terrible practice -- and prevent other states from following Alaska's shameful lead.

I hope you'll help.


Rodger Schlickeisen, President
Rodger Schlickeisen
President, Defenders of Wildlife

Rodger Schlickeisen, President (c)Daniel J. Cox/www.naturalexpos

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