
martes, 30 de junio de 2009

Inicia la retirada

BAGDAD/AP — Cuando resta un día para que sus tropas se retiren de las ciudades de Irak, el principal comandante estadounidense en Medio Oriente dijo ayer que confía en que las fuerzas de seguridad iraquíes están bien preparadas, a pesar de una serie de atentados recientes que causaron más de 250 muertos.

Las explosiones causaron preocupación de que la violencia se intensificará en las zonas urbanas cuando las tropas de Estados Unidos se retiren, pero el gobierno iraquí asegura que sus efectivos están listos para hacerse cargo y declaró hoy martes feriado por el Día Nacional de la Soberanía.

Las celebraciones comenzaron ayer lunes en Bagdad con canciones patrióticas que brotaban de altavoces en los cuarteles de policías y retenes militares. Vehículos de las fuerzas armadas patrullaban la ciudad decorados con flores y banderas iraquíes.

Las tropas de combate de Estados Unidos deben retirarse de las ciudades iraquíes a más tardar hoy martes, en cumplimiento de un acuerdo de seguridad que también fija su partida del país para el final de 2011.

El comandante estadounidense para Medio Oriente, general David Petraeus, dijo que habrá centros de coordinación en Bagdad, Mosul y Basora, donde las fuerzas de su país compartirán información de inteligencia y responderán a los pedidos de ayuda de los iraquíes.

Frase del dia

"La juventud quiere más ser estimulada que instruída."

Johann W. Goethe

Leyes inexorables de la vida

















. (Teorema de Muertoaloyo Vivoalbollo)



  • Diga: 'qué día tan bonito, ojalá siga así...'
  • Lave el coche.
  • Riegue el jardín.
  • Lave toda la ropa que tenga y póngala a secar.
  • Organice una barbacoa para la noche.
  • Salga de casa a pie y sin abrigo.

Llegue a la parada. Espere veinte minutos. Enciéndase un cigarrillo y, en la mitad de la primera calada, aparecerá.


  • Pegue tres vueltas en la manzana de su casa buscando aparcamiento.
  • Péguese 30 minutos más dando vueltas en las 10 manzanas más próximas.
  • Termine aparcando finalmente en otro barrio a 30 minutos a pie de su casa.
  • Cuando llegue a casa a pie, verá dos o tres sitios vacíos delante de ella.

La NTSB investiga sobre los A330

NTSB To Investigate A330 Air Data Anomalies

Investigators recently reported that the crew of Air France Flight 447, lost earlier this month with all aboard, may have been fed faulty air data, and Friday the NTSB announced that it is investigating "two recent incidents" in which A330 instruments may have malfunctioned. Earlier this month, after it was publicly disclosed that Airbus had recommended changes to the jets' pitot tubes, some pilots for Air France were urged by their union to refuse flights on A330/A340 series aircraft if their pitot sensors had not yet been replaced. Of the two incidents the NTSB will be investigating, the first involved a TAM Airlines flight out of Miami May 21, bound for Sao Paulo. The airliner lost "primary speed and altitude information" during cruise. Pilots reported the event was precipitated by an abrupt drop in indicated outside air temperature. Soon after, the Air Data Reference System was lost and the autopilot and autothrust disconnected. The crew flew the jet on backup instruments for about five minutes until primary data was restored. The flight continued to a Sao Paulo, where it landed without incident. A Northwest Airlines A330 flying between Hong Kong and Tokyo on June 23 may have experienced a similar event. The NTSB in its statement did not draw any connection between these investigations and the Air France disaster.

The NTSB is collecting weather and data recorder information, as well as Aircraft Condition Monitoring Systems messages and crew statements, to evaluate the incidents. The board will release information on both incidents as it becomes available.


Tu vida, tus amigos y lo que te interesa está en Perfil de Windows Live. Actualízalo.

Aterriza de emergencia avion de AA

Aterriza avión en Nueva York tras impactarse con parvada de aves

 Nueva York, 30 Jun (Notimex).- Un avión de American Airlines
logró aterrizar hoy en el aeropuerto internacional LaGuardia de esta
ciudad sin contratiempos tras impactarse contra una parvada de
pájaros, dijo la Administración Federal de Aviación (FAA, por sus
siglas en inglés).

Las autoridades aéreas indicaron que el vuelo 1256 de American
Airlines chocó con un grupo de aves a una altitud de 900 pies, cerca
de LaGuardia alrededor de las 11:00 horas.

El avión, que venía procedente de Miami, logró aterrizar sin
problemas a pesar de haber reportado dificultades en el tren

La FCC confirmó que ninguna de las 140 personas, incluidas los
miembros de la tripulación, abordo resultó herida tras el incidente.

Este percance ocurre a meses de un accidente similar que obligó
al vuelo 1549 de US Airways acuatizar en el Río Hudson, en el que
sobrevivieron todos las personas.

Desde entonces, la Ciudad de Nueva York ha tomado medidas para
tratar de reducir la cantidad de aves que permanecen alrededor de los

La aerolínea dijo que los pasajeros no fueron informados del
percance durante el vuelo y que fueron desembarcados sin ningún
contratiempo adicional.

Que tiene de malo ir manejando desnudo?

When the police stop you for drunk driving and you're wearing sunglasses, a hat, sandals and nothing else, you might as well have some attitude.

Dearry Smiley took the "So what?" position when he was caught at a DeFuniak Springs traffic stop wearing not much more than Adam and Eve, before she started taking advice from a snake. "What's wrong with a man driving home naked? It's not against the law," Smiley, 58, allegedly told Florida police, before being booked for DUI.

Surprisingly, a worse fate may await Smiley's companion, a 47-year-old woman who allegedly took a swing an officer during the traffic stop.

This leads us to an even bigger question: How often is it that a naked man is arrested for DUI, and another person in the car, who wasn't naked, faces an even more serious charges? Clinton March

Smiley joins the Weird Crime Mug Shot Hall of Fame along with Clinton March, Colorado's naked burglar.

Earlier this week, this 24-year-old man allegedly broke into one home stark naked. When a woman saw him, she screamed, and he ran into a neighbor's home.

The resident of that home, also a woman, found him in her bathroom, . Now, isn't that a pretty picture?

Leche y Microbios

It's the first food we taste. It's sweet and delicious and good for you too. It's in pasta sauces, candies, pastries, custards, and ice cream. Milk is arguably one of the most versatile ingredients among cooks and a staple in most households. However, as an animal product that is full of nutrients, there are several infectious diseases associated with microbe-contaminated milk and milk products. The good news is that most of these microbes are killed by pasteurization, and so in reality, infections due to milk and cheese are pretty rare -- but still possible.

How Does Cow's Milk Get Contaminated?

Dairy cows spend much of their time grazing in pastures, where they come in contact with a variety of environmental microbes. In addition, many microbes that are "commensal" organisms (that co-exist with cows without causing disease) may be considered human pathogens.

Dairy processing facilities have many routes for the entry of contaminating microbes. First, as a nutrient-rich liquid, milk provides an ideal environment for microbial growth. Second, dairy processing plants are full of areas where "foot traffic" from employees can be accompanied by microbes.

Infectious Microbes Found in Cow's Milk

  • Bacillus cereus: These bacteria produce a toxin that can cause diarrhea and another that causes vomiting. Bacillus cereus spores are heat-resistant and may survive pasteurization. There have even been very rare cases linked to dried milk and dried infant formula.
  • Brucella: Brucella is a bacterial microbe that is found in unpasteurized dairy products. Brucella infection, or Brucellosis, has also been called "Undulant Fever" because of the regular recurrence of fever associated with the disease.
  • Campylobacter jejuni: Campylobacter jejuni is the most common bacteria to cause diarrheal disease in the U.S. and is found in raw milk and poultry. It has an increased chance of causing disease when consumed in milk, because the basic pH of milk neutralizes the acidity of the stomach.
  • Coxiella burnetii: Coxiella infects a variety of animals, including livestock and pets. The microbe can be found in cow's milk and is resistant to heat and drying. Infection by Coxiella results in Q fever, a high fever that may last up to 2 weeks.
  • E. coli O157:H7: This particular strain of E. coli has been associated with a number of food-borne outbreaks and is the cause of bloody diarrhea. Frequently associated with dairy cattle, microbial contamination of raw milk and soft cheeses can result in disease.
  • Listeria monocytogenes: Listeria is a common bacterial pathogen that is found in soft cheeses and unpasteurized milk. It can even survive below freezing temperatures and can therefore withstand refrigeration. It is particularly dangerous to individuals who have weakened immune systems, including pregnant women, AIDS patients, and the very young and very old.
  • Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis: This strain of mycobacteria can withstand pasteurization and has been associated with the development of Crohn's disease, also known as inflammatory bowel syndrome. However, whether or not these bacteria can actually infect humans remains controversial.
  • Mycobacterium tuberculosis: The cause of "consumption," a horrific wasting disease that first affects the lungs, Mycobacterium bovis is associated with consumption of raw milk and was one of the most common contaminants prior to the practice of pasteurization. M. bovis causes tuberculosis in cows and can be passed to humans via unpasteurized cow's milk, causing a disease that is very similar to M. tuberculosis.
  • Salmonella: Salmonella contamination of raw milk and milk products has been the source of several outbreaks in recent years. Symptoms include diarrhea and high fever.
  • Staphylococcus aureus: Staph aureus produces a toxin that causes explosive vomiting. The disease may be considered a consequence of actual food poisoning from simply consuming the toxin, rather than from an actual infection.
  • Yersinia enterocolitica: Associated with raw milk and ice cream, among other foods, contamination is believed to be a consequence of a breakdown in sanitization and sterilization techniques at dairy processing facilities.

What about Mad Cow Disease?

Mad Cow Disease, also known as bovine spongiform encephalitis (BSE), is a disease that affects the nervous system and is caused by an infectious protein called a "prion." Consumption of meat from cattle with BSE can result in transmission of the disease. In humans, the disease is called "transmissible spongiform encephalopathy" or "variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease."

Fortunately for the dairy industry and milk consumers, the infectious prion has not been found in milk from infected cows, nor has transmission through drinking of cow's milk been reported. In short, you can't get Mad Cow Disease from milk.

How to Prevent Milk-borne Infectious Diseases:

  1. Don't drink raw milk.
  2. Keep dairy products refrigerated within the expiration date marked on the package.
  3. Be careful when you travel to developing nations, follow the recommended sanitary precautions for the country you are in and do not eat raw dairy products.


Boor, KJ. Fluid Dairy Product Quality and Safety: Looking to the Future. J. Dairy Sci. 84:1-11 (2001)

Foodborne Illness. US Food and Drug Administration. Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition

Rowan NJ et al. Putative virulence factor expression by clinical and food isolates of Bacillus spp. after growth in reconstituted infant milk formulae. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2001 Sep;67(9):3873-81.

Dicen precios para Windows 7

For those who buy a computer with Windows Vista after June 26th, Windows 7 will be a free upgrade. That also applies to people buying Vista (Business, Home Premium and Ultimate) outright without a computer. This type of promotion happened 3 years ago for XP computers before Vista's release.

Here's some good news: Windows 7 is on sale, before it's even for sale. BestBuy indicated that it will offer (from June 26 to July 11) a "pre-sale" on Windows 7 Home Premium Upgrade for $49.99 and Windows 7 Professional Upgrade for $99.99. When Windows 7 is released, it will ship directly to customers. I am not sure whether this pre-sale includes current users of the XP operating system. If Microsoft is smart, the "pre-sale" will include both Vista and XP users.

BestBuy is the first retailer to make this guarantee. Most likely, all other retail chains will do the same. Especially when you consider that electronics stores are having a bad year. Windows 7 might actually be the best stimulus package we have seen yet - at least our grandchildren won't have to pay for this one.

If you are thinking about upgrading to Windows 7, read "Assessing Your Computer for Windows 7 Requirements". If you would like to see an overview of Windows 7, visit Microsoft's site.

Seguridad Aérea* / Plane with 153 crashes off Comoros, child rescued - Un Airbus A310 con 153 personas se estrella en el mar cerca de Madagascar - Encuentran con vida a un niño en el mar tras la caída del Airbus A310

Plane with 153 crashes off Comoros, child rescued
Un Airbus A310 con 153 personas se estrella en el mar cerca de Madagascar
Encuentran con vida a un niño en el mar tras la caída del Airbus A310
Plane with 153 crashes off Comoros, child rescued
MORONI, Comoros – A Yemenia jet with 153 people on board crashed into the Indian Ocean on Tuesday as it tried to land during strong winds on the island nation of Comoros. Officials said one child was plucked alive from the sea.
There was no word on other survivors. At least three bodies were recovered, authorities said.
The crash comes two years after aviation officials reported faults with the aircraft, an Airbus 310 flying the last leg of a journey from Paris and Marseille to Comoros, with a stop in Yemen to change planes. Most of the passengers were from Comoros, a former French colony. Sixty-six on board were French nationals.
A child was rescued from the water after the crash, according to Rachida Abdullah, a police immigration officer who works at the operations center in the Comoros, and Yemeni civil aviation deputy chief Mohammed Abdul Qader.
Qader said he was told the child was 5 years old. Further details on the rescue and the child's condition were not immediately available.
Three bodies from the flight were retrieved along with debris from the plane, Abdullah said.
Qader said it was too early to speculate on the cause and the flight data recorder had not been found, but the wind was 40 miles per hour (61 kph) as the plane was landing in the middle of the night.
"The weather was very bad ... the wind was very strong," he said, adding the windy conditions were hampering rescue efforts.
The Yemenia plane was the second Airbus to crash into the sea in as many months. An Air France Airbus A330-200 crashed into the Atlantic Ocean May 31, killing all 228 people on board, as it flew from Rio de Janeiro to Paris.
A crisis center once again was set up at Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris. Many passengers were from the French city of Marseille, which has a large Comoros community.
"There is considerable dismay," said Stephane Salord, the consul general of the Comoros in the Provence-Alps-Cote d'Azur region of France. "These are families that, each year on the eve of summer, leave Marseille and the region to rejoin their families in the Comoros and spend their holidays."
In France, this week is the start of annual summer school vacations.
The Comoros is an archipelago of three main islands situated about 1,800 miles (2,900 kilometers) south of Yemen, between Africa's southeastern coast and the island of Madagascar. It is a former French colony of 700,000 people.
Gen. Bruno de Bourdoncle de Saint-Salvy, the senior commander for French forces in the southern Indian Ocean, said the Airbus 310 crashed in deep waters about 9 miles (14.5 kilometers) north of the Comoran coast and 21 miles (34 kilometers) from the Moroni airport.
French aviation inspectors found a "number of faults" during a 2007 inspection of the plane that went down, French Transport Minister Dominique Bussereau said on i-Tele television Tuesday.
In Brussels, EU Transport Commissioner Antonio Tajani said the airline had previously met EU safety checks and was not on the bloc's blacklist. But he said a full investigation was now being started amid questions why passengers were put on another jet in the Yemeni capital of San'a.
An Airbus statement said the plane that crashed went into service 19 years ago, in 1990, and had accumulated 51,900 flight hours. It has been operated by Yemenia (Yemen Airways) since 1999. Airbus said it was sending a team of specialists to the Comoros.
The A310-300 is a twin-engine widebody jet that can seat up to 220 passengers. There are 214 A310s in service worldwide with 41 operators.
Christophe Prazuck, French military spokesman, said a patrol boat and reconnaissance ship were being sent to the crash site as well a military transport plane. The French were sending divers as well as medical personnel, he said.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy "expressed his deep emotion" about the crash and asked the French military to help in the rescue operation, particularly from the French islands of Mayotte and Reunion.
Yemenia airline officials say the 11-member crew was made up of six Yemenis, including the pilot, two Moroccans, one Indonesian, one Ethiopian and 1 Filipino. The officials asked that their named not be used because they were not authorized to speak to the media

Un Airbus A310 con 153 personas se estrella en el mar cerca de Madagascar
Un Airbus A310 de la aerolínea Yemenia con 153 personas a bordo cayó al mar la madrugada del martes cerca del archipiélago de las Comores, casi un mes después del accidente del A330 de Air France entre Rio de Janeiro y París en el que murieron 228 personas.
"El avión cayó al mar a primera hora de la madrugada, a varias millas marinas de las islas Comores, con 142 pasajeros y 11 tripulantes a bordo", informó un responsable de la compañía.
El aparato cayó al mar a unos 15 km de la isla de Gran Comora a las 01H50 (22H50 GMT) pocos minutos antes de su aterrizaje previsto en Moroni, capital de la República Federal Islámica de Comores, en el océano Indico, informó la delegación del gobierno francés en Mayotte (isla del mismo archipiélago que pertenece a Francia).
"La mayor parte de los pasajeros son ciudadanos de Francia y de Comores", agregó el responsable de Yemenia, precisando que se enviaron embarcaciones al lugar para buscar a eventuales supervivientes.
Una fuente aeroportuaria en París informó de que había 66 franceses a bordo.
Un avión fletado por las autoridades comorenses localizó por la mañana el fuselaje del aparato a pocos kilómetros de las costas, afirmó el secretario general del gobierno de Comores, Nourdine Bourhane.
La aviación civil de Yemen anunció por su parte que se localizaron los cuerpos de algunas de las 153 personas que viajaban a bordo.
"Se vieron cadáveres flotando en la superficie del agua y se localizó una mancha de carburantes a unas 16 o 17 millas marinas (unos 29 km) de Moroni", declaró un alto responsable de la Aviación Civil, Mohamed Abdel Kader, en rueda de prensa en Saná.
El director del aeropuerto internacional de Moroni afirmó que las "condiciones meteorológicas eran desafavorables" en el momento previsto del aterrizaje del Airbus.
"Antes de su aterrizaje, la torre de control perdió la comunicación con la tripulación. Las condiciones meterológicas eran desfavorables, con ráfagas de más de 25 nudos", declaró Hadji Mmadi Ali.
También el secretario de Estado francés de Transportes, Dominique Bussereau, afirmó a la emisora de radio privada francesa Europe 1 que las malas condiciones meteorológicas podrían ser responsables del accidente.
El estado mayor de las Fuerzas Armadas francesas informó de que París enviará dos barcos de la armada y un avión Transall para participar en las operaciones de rescate.
Un remolcador de una empresa privada con personal médico y submarinistas a bordo se disponía a salir de Mayotte hacia el lugar del accidente, informó por su parte la prefectura del territorio de ultramar francés.
La Oficina de Investigación y Análisis (BEA), organismo estatal francés encargado de las investigaciones técnicas de los accidentes aéreos, enviará un equipo de expertos al lugar del accidente del A310 de Yemenia, indicó el martes una portavoz.
"Estamos formando un equipo de investigadores que viajará al lugar" del accidente, precisó.
De los 142 pasajeros, "tres son recién nacidos", informó Abdel Kader, precisando que los 11 miembros de la tripulación eran "de varias nacionalidades".
Según el responsable de la aviación civil yemení, la mayor parte de los pasajeros que embarcaron en el A310 estaban en tránsido en Saná: 52 venían de París, 59 de Marsella, 11 de El Cairo, 12 de Dubai, tres de Yedá, uno de Ammán y uno de Damasco, precisó.
Fuentes aeronáuticas en París indicaron que un Airbus A330-200 que había despegado el lunes de París aterrizó en Saná, en Yemen, tras haber hecho una escala en Marsella (sureste de Francia). En la capital yemení los pasajeros cambiaron de avión y subieron al Airbus A310.
Este es el segundo Airbus que cae al mar en casi un mes.
Un A330 de la aerolínea francesa Air France que volaba entre Rio y París cayó al Atlántico el 1 de junio con 228 personas a bordo.
Las operaciones de búsqueda permitieron recuperar 51 cuerpos. El viernes pasado, la marina y las fuerzas aéreas brasileñas decidieron poner fin a la búsqueda.
Francia prosigue las operaciones para intentar encontrar la cajas negras del avión, esenciales para explicar las causas del accidente, tras el cual el fabricante europeo Airbus defendió repetidas veces la fiabilidad de sus aparatos.
Encuentran con vida a un niño en el mar tras la caída del Airbus A310
Un niño, pasajero del Airbus A310-300 de la compañía Yemenia que el martes de madrugada cayó al océano Indico con 153 personas a bordo, fue encontrado con vida, según fuentes médicas comorenses.
"Se encontró a niño con vida. Está actualmente en un barco de los socorristas", declaró a la AFP por teléfono el doctor Ben Imani, cirujano en el hospital El Maaruf de la capital comorense, Moroni.
Esta información fue confirmada por Arfachad Salim, coordinador de las operaciones de socorro de la Media Luna Roja comorense, contactado por teléfono por la AFP desde una playa al norte de la isla de Gran Comora.
"El barco está a la vista y el niño está a bordo", afirmó.
Un Airbus A310-300 de Yemenia cayó al mar el martes cerca de las Comores con 153 personas a bordo, en su mayoría franceses y comorenses, casi un mes después de que un A330 de Air France que volaba entre Rio y París cayese al Atlántico con 228 personas a bordo.



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lunes, 29 de junio de 2009

Reportes de Ovnis

Georgia - 05-30-09 - I was traveling on Hwy 23 going through Baldwin County, Georgia. I was taking a trip to the Georgia mountains with my mother. About 1.5 miles before we reached the 441 Bypass to go to MT. Airy, GA, I saw a silver disk floating across the highway. It was coming from over the trees from my right and going to the left. At first I said, "Mom, there is an airport here."

I had driven about 3 hours and thought it was cool they had an airport because I would rather fly next time. But as I looked, the object had no airplane wings or anything. It then hovered over the highway for about 30 seconds and looked like it was tilting a bit, like wobbling.

I looked at the van in front of me and slowed down so I wouldn't hit him. I slowed down because I wanted to see the object. The van stepped on his brakes too, so I guess he saw it. I still don't know for sure if they saw it, but they slammed on their brakes too.

Anyway, I looked up after 5 seconds of watching the traffic and it was still wobbling or something.

It then made a sharp turn and you could see it travel straight up in the sky. There were white clouds behind me, but not in front of me, so it didn't disappear in the clouds. It went straight out in space, in the blue atmosphere. This spooked me! source:

Illinois - 06-03-09 - On Wednesday around 9:15 PM, I was at home grilling dinner outdoors. I had both my 3 year old and my 5 year old with me. Both children remarked that they could see stars. I looked up and said, "Yes, you can see just a few stars." I turned to check the grill and my 5 year old said "What's that?"

I looked up and I saw 12 to 18 V-shaped objects flying over, heading east. At first I thought they were a flock of birds back lit by the sodium vapor lighting in a shopping center near by, but they were moving way too fast and were at an altitude that I don't believe birds can fly. They were flying in a straight line across the sky. Some moved position from side to side.

I have never seen anything like this, and I was wondering if anyone else has reported anything like this? source:

Minnesota - 06-03-09 - It was 10:30 and I was winding down after I put my kids to bed. I went outside to have a cigarette. I was looking up at the stars and having a smoke when I noticed a star that was out of place. What I thought was a star was moving slowly and steadily picking up speed.

As I watched for the last star in the Big Dipper's handle, smaller objects seemed to drop from its belly and dart off in the opposite direction. I reached down to grab my phone, and in the time it took me to raise my head the object was gone.

What really freaked me out was that, while I was thinking about what I had seen, a helicopter flew over the same area, and soon five more flew through. This was certainly not normal... it was a frightening experience. source:

Wisconsin - 05-29-09 - I'm reporting this for my mom and sister, and also a family friend who witnessed this from her own house, so I can give perfect descriptions. My mom and sister were looking at the moon at about 11:25 (looking toward the west/northwest), when they noticed a glowing, yellow-orange ball of light that seemed to be on fire. It seemed to be heading straight toward our house.

But, it took a sharp turn toward the southwest in the direction of downtown Seattle, western part. Then the light got dimmer, all of this in about 10 minutes.

My mom said: "It hurt to look at, but I couldn't take my eyes off of it," noting she was freaked out by the unnatural behavior. Our family friend watched the object in the same way as my mom and sister. She watched this "object" go toward the southwest with her binoculars, but couldn't make out a shape. source:

Como hacer una limpieza de cuarto

Your sanctuary is beginning to look more like the last place you want to be. Take the time to organize and clean your master bedroom with this step-by-step tutorial. Cleaning and organizing your master bedroom will give you back a peaceful night's rest.
Difficulty: Average
Time Required: 1-2 Hours

Here's How:

  1. Start with the 15 Minute Bedroom Cleanup or for a child's room the 15 Minute Kid's Room Cleanup.

    This will help get your master bedroom into a workable place for you to begin.

  2. Dust down the ceiling and corners in the master bedroom.

    Consider if the walls in your home need to be washed. Don't forget air vents, doorknobs, and switch plates. Dust and clean all wall art. Be careful when cleaning framed art and photographs. Never spray cleaner or water onto the frame. The liquid can seep behind the glass and damage the pictures. Instead light wet a clean cloth to wipe the frame and glass.

  3. Clean the ceiling fan in the master bedroom.

    Dust the fan and fan blades. You may need to use a gentle cleanser like Murphy's Oil soap mixed with water and a cleaning cloth. Take down light fixtures and gently wash and dry them before replacing.

  4. Take down draperies and curtains to wash or have cleaned according to the directions.

    Dust down any blinds and other window treatments. Dust down and wash window sills and corners. Wash the inside and outsides of windows. Take down and rinse off screens, before replacing.

  5. Wash all bedding, comforters, mattress pads, pillows, etc. from your master bedroom.

    Vacuum and flip your mattress over to provide even wear. Clean out from under your bed. Replace bed with clean bedding.

  6. Dust down and clean all accent lamps and knickknacks in the master bedroom.

    Use a vacuum attachment or duster to clean the lamp shade, lamps, and any extra decorative items.

  7. Dust down all dressers, chests, and nightstands.

    Clean any mirrors.

  8. Clean flooring in the master bedroom.

    Dust and mop for hard floors. Professionally clean carpet, or vacuum and spot treat for mildly soiled floors.

  9. Use the 4 container method to go through the closets, drawers, and boxes. Put the keep items back into the closet.
  10. Inventory master bedroom changes.

    Take the chance now to inventory the furniture, bedding, and decorations in the master bedroom. Make a list of items that may need to be replaced or updated. Next time someone needs a gift idea, or you find a surplus in your household budget, you'll have your list ready.


  1. Either do the closets first or save them for last. Don't try to get started decluttering in the middle. You might get distracted and end up with nothing done.
  2. Music, an audio book, or a good friend on speaker phone are great ways to help pass the time.
  3. Don't skip under your bed. For many of us it can be scary, but it has to be done eventually.
  4. Don't forget to go through the clothing, shoes, and accessories in your closets and drawers. Carefully pack away seasonal clothing that may be taking up needed space.

What You Need:

  • 4 boxes or containers
  • Broom or vacuum
  • Mop or carpet machine
  • Spot carpet cleaner
  • Dust mop
  • Dust cloths
  • Mild cleanser
  • Laundry products for laundering bedding
  • Mirror and window cleaner

Frase del dia

"Lo que dices en presencia nuestra, piénsalo en ausencia nuestra."


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El bombero de Arizona

Anita nos envía una presentación muy emotiva sobre la última voluntad de un niño a punto de morir por una enfermedad terminal: ser bombero. Su madre tratará por todos los medios hacer feliz a su hijo hasta el último momento.

Carta escrita en el 2070

Estamos en el año 2070 y ya no queda agua en el planeta Tierra y apenas oxígeno para respirar. Esta es una carta que escribe un anciano en el futuro.

El regalo de la vida

Un hecho real, sobre un cirujano que practica una operacion de vida o muerte a un bebe de 21 semanas con la espina dorsal bifida

Con el corazón

Una historia muy tierna sobre un padre que adora tanto a su hija que hará por ella lo inimaginable en un acto de profundo amor.

Cuando los padres envejecen

Una presentación muy emotiva: la carta de un padre que al envejecer pide toda la comprensión y apoyo posible a su hijo. Dado el gran número de personas mayores que viven abandonados en total soledad, sin duda más de uno debería leer este powerpoint.

Pesarse o no pesarse

How much do you weigh? While that's not a question most polite people ask, I'll bet most of you know the answer. Whether you weighed yourself this morning, yesterday or last week, chances are, stepping on a scale is something you do on a regular basis.

My next question is this: What do you think about when you step on a scale? Some common thoughts:

  • "That can't be right."
  • "I knew I shouldn't have had that extra breath mint yesterday."
  • "Did I really gain 5 lbs since yesterday?"
  • "I haven't lost a single pound. What's wrong with me?"

Whatever you think about when you weigh yourself, one question you may not consider is this: Is weighing yourself helping you lose weight or standing in the way of success?

To Weigh or Not to Weigh?

For some of you, the idea of not knowing your weight on a regular basis may seem as foreign as not knowing you hate lima beans. This is true despite the fact that a scale, unlike lima beans, has all kinds of emotions, thoughts and beliefs attached to it. The moment you step on it, you decide things about yourself: Whether you're fat or thin, whether you've succeeded or failed, perhaps even how you feel about yourself as a person.

For some people, the scale is an important and useful tool for maintaining weight loss but, for others, it can stand in the way of success. Which group do you fall into? If you're not sure, learn more about the reasons you might want to ditch the scale.

Just Getting Started? You May Want to Ditch the Scale

The scale is a great tool for people who are maintaining weight loss. Seeing their weight each day is one way to make sure they're staying on track with their diet and exercise program. However, if you're just starting a weight loss program, the number on the scale can be deceptive, making you feel that you're not making progress even when you are.

Unfortunately, the hard work of diet and exercise isn't always reflected on the scale for new exercisers, especially during the first few weeks. A few things that may happen when you start a weight loss program:

  • Delayed results - Most of us need several weeks of diet and exercise before seeing significant changes on the scale.
  • Unrealistic expectations – When you work hard at your workouts and diet, you may expect more than your body can deliver, which leads to disappointment.
  • Tunnel vision – We get so focused on the scale that it blocks out other things we're getting out of our workouts. The long-term rewards of exercise aren't always obvious when you're a beginner and you forget there are other reasons to exercise and eat healthfully.

Keep it or Ditch it?

Are you discouraged by what you're seeing on the scale? If so, consider weighing yourself once a month rather than daily or weekly to give your body time to adapt to what you're doing.

Another option is to shift your focus from the minutiae of weight loss and concentrate on what you actually need to do get there, such as:

  • Showing up for your workouts - Set goals based on how many workouts you'll do each week rather than how much weight you'll lose.
  • Getting to know your body - You can't lose weight until you exercise consistently and you can't do that until you build endurance and strength. Take the first few weeks to experiment, condition your body and figure out what you're capable of.
  • Learning how to exercise - If you're a beginner, there's a learning curve that may take you awhile to overcome. Give yourself space to learn good form, solid technique and effective methods of training before you put too much pressure on yourself to lose weight.

Discouraged? You May Want to Ditch the Scale

A friend of mine treats her scale the same way one might treat a poisonous snake. She hides it in her closet and lurches away whenever she accidentally catches sight of it. Many of us have the same visceral response to any scale – a shiver when we pass by the scale at the gym or instant dry mouth when instructed to stand on the scale at the doctor's office.

Changing your lifestyle and habits is difficult enough without adding the pressure of losing a certain number of pounds each week. Your body won't always cooperate and you'll rarely get everything perfect from day to day. Starting off on the right foot means having:

  • A supportive environment of family and friends who encourage you to reach your goals
  • Realistic goals that motivate you day after day
  • A balanced exercise plan that fits your schedule and what you enjoy doing
  • A way to handle obstacles to exercise before they happen.

If the scale doesn't fit into that encouraging environment, it may be time for a change.

Keep it or Ditch it?

Do you dread getting on the scale every morning? If the answer is yes, consider:

  • Setting aside weight loss goals - Focusing on being healthy, fit and active can take the pressure off, allowing you to enjoy your active lifestyle. The 30-Day Fitness Challenge is a great place to start.
  • Find meaningful goals – Meaningful goals are the ones we stick with when times get tough. Consider joining a charity run or working out with a friend who needs support. You'll remember the deeper reasons that exercise is an important part of your life.
  • Talk to friends or family members who exercise and ask them how they manage it. You may be inspired to learn how real people fit exercise into their lives.
  • Instead of watching the scale, focus on creating a healthy lifestyle. Living well almost always leads to weight loss. For an in-depth program, try 6 Weeks to a Healthier Lifestyle.

Is the Scale Lying to You?

While the scale can tell you how much you weigh, there's something more important you need to know: Your body composition. While many of us focus on how many pounds we're losing, what's more important is how much fat we're losing, something the scale can't discern. Losing weight may make you happy but, what if you found out you were losing muscle, not fat? Losing muscle lowers metabolism and, eventually, contributes to a loss of mobility and power.

This is one instance where the scale can lie, especially for new exercisers beginning a strength training program. It's possible to lose inches without losing weight, which means you're getting results even if they aren't showing up the way you're used to seeing them.

I often hear this question from readers who mention losing inches while the scale doesn't move. They wonder, "Why haven't I seen any results?" If you're experiencing this, one question to ask yourself is: Why do you believe the scale over your own experience? If you're buying smaller clothes, you're losing fat no matter what the scale says.

Too often, we believe what the scale is telling us rather than what's in front of our own eyes, leaving us discouraged and frustrated rather than celebrating success.

Keep it or Ditch it?

Are you losing inches, fitting into smaller sizes and slimming down? If the answer is yes, that's a good sign that you're gaining muscle and losing fat, which is exactly what you want. Instead of the scale, try other ways to track your progress:

5 tips para leer a Shakespeare

For a beginner, Shakespeare can sometimes seem like a bunch of strange words put together in no sensible order. Once you learn to read and understand Shakespeare, you'll find out why it has inspired students and scholars for centuries.

1. Understand the Importance of "Getting It"

It is impossible to overstate the importance of Shakespeare's work. It is clever, witty, beautiful, inspirational, funny, deep, dramatic, and more. Shakespeare is a word genius whose work helps us see the beauty and artistic potential of the English language.

Shakespeare's work has inspired students and scholars for centuries, because it also tells us so much about life, love, and human nature. When you study Shakespeare, you find that human beings haven't really changed all that much over the past several hundred years. Shakespeare will expand your mind if you let it.

2. Attend a Reading or a Play

Shakespeare really makes more sense when you see the words come to life on stage. You won't believe how much expressions and movements of the actors can demystify Shakespeare's beautiful but complex prose.

3. Read It Again

As you progress in school and into college, you must realize that every subjects gets more challenging. Literature is no different. You're not going to be successful in your studies if you think you can get through anything quickly—and that is triply true for Shakespeare. Don't try to get by on one reading. Read once for a basic understanding and again (and again) to do it justice.

4. Act It Out

Shakespeare is different from any other piece of literature, in that it requires some engagement and active participation. When you actually say the words out loud, they start to "click." Just try it—you will see that you can suddenly understand the context of the words and expressions. Call your study partner and read to each other!

5. Read a Plot Summary

Let's face it—Shakespeare is tough. After you have read the work, go ahead and read a summary of the piece you're working on if you're completely baffled. Just read a summary and then read the actual work again. You won't believe how much you missed before!

And don't worry: reading the summary doesn't "ruin" anything when it comes to Shakespeare, because the importance lies partly in the art and beauty of the work.

viernes, 26 de junio de 2009

Tipos de estres

Types of Stress

Stress can be defined as any type of change that causes physical, emotional or psychological strain. However, not all types of stress are harmful or even negative. There are a few different types of stress that we encounter:

  • Eustress, a type of stress that is fun and exciting, and keeps us vital (e.g. skiing down a slope or racing to meet a deadline)
  • Acute Stress, a very short-term type of stress that can either be positive (eustress) or more distressing (what we normally think of when we think of 'stress') ; this is the type of stress we most often encounter in day-to-day life (e.g. skiing down said slope or dealing with road rage)
  • Episodic Acute Stress, where acute stress seems to run rampant and be a way of life, creating a life of relative chaos (e.g. the type of stress that coined the terms 'drama queen' and 'absent-minded professor')
  • Chronic Stress, the type of stress that seems never-ending and inescapable, like the stress of a bad marriage or an extremely taxing job (this type of stress can lead to burnout)
The Fight or Flight Response

Stress can trigger the body's response to perceived threat or danger, the Fight-or-Flight response. During this reaction, certain hormones like adrenalin and cortisol are released, speeding the heart rate, slowing digestion, shunting blood flow to major muscle groups, and changing various other autonomic nervous functions, giving the body a burst of energy and strength. Originally named for its ability to enable us to physically fight or run away when faced with danger, it's now activated in situations where neither response is appropriate, like in traffic or during a stressful day at work. When the perceived threat is gone, systems are designed to return to normal function via the relaxation response, but in our times of chronic stress, this often doesn't happen enough, causing damage to the body.

Stress and Health: Implications of Chronic Stress

When faced with chronic stress and an overactivated autonomic nervous system, people begin to see physical symptoms. The first symptoms are relatively mild, like chronic headaches and increased susceptibility to colds. With more exposure to chronic stress, however, more serious health problems may develop. These stress-influenced conditions include, but are not limited to:

  • depression
  • diabetes
  • hair loss
  • heart disease
  • hyperthyroidism
  • obesity
  • obsessive-compulsive or anxiety disorder
  • sexual dysfunction
  • tooth and gum disease
  • ulcers
  • cancer (possibly)
In fact, most it's been estimated that as many as 90% of doctor's visits are for symptoms that are at least partially stress-related!
What You Can Do

To keep stress, especially chronic stress, from damaging your health, it's important to be sure that your body does not experience excessive states of this physiological arousal. There are two important ways to do this:

Seeking Professional Help

Sometimes stress becomes so great that people develop stress-related disorders or need the help of medications, herbal treatments or the aid of a professional. If you experience excessive anxiety or symptoms of depression, find yourself engaging in unhealthy or compulsive behaviors, or have a general feeling that you need help, talk to your doctor or a health care professional. There is help available, and you can be feeling better and more in control of your life soon.

Whatever your situation, stress need not damage your health. If you handle your stress now, you can quickly be on the road to a healthier, happier life.

Frase del dia

"Un libro es un regalo estupendo, porque muchas personas sólo leen para no tener que pensar."

Andre Maurois

Encuentran cadaver del piloto del AF447

PARIS (AP) " Las cuadrillas de búsqueda extrajeron de las aguas del Atlántico los cadáveres del piloto del Vuelo 447 y un auxiliar de vuelo, anunció Air France el jueves.

Ya se han rescatado los restos de 50 de las 228 víctimas del accidente del 31 de mayo.

En una declaración en su cibersitio, la aerolínea dijo que el piloto y el auxiliar de vuelo fueron identificados pero no dio a conocer sus nombres. Un sindicato de pilotos identificó a aquél como Marc Dubois.

A principios de semana, la agencia policial internacional Interpol dijo que 11 de los 50 cadáveres extraídos han sido identificados: ocho brasileños, uno con ciudadanía dual alemana, un brasileño-suizo y un británico.

El ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores alemán dijo el miércoles que tres alemanes fueron identificados, pero no difundió sus nombres.

El Airbus 330 se precipitó en el Atlántico después de haberse topado con tormentas en el vuelo de Río de Janeiro a París. Los militares brasileños han conducido los esfuerzos de búsqueda de cadáveres y restos, mientras que los franceses están a cargo de la investigación del accidente y la búsqueda de los grabadores de vuelo conocidos como cajas negras.

La causa del hecho no se ha esclarecido. Las dos cajas negras podrían ser decisivas para determinar lo que ocurrió.

Pero las cajas sólo seguirán emitiendo señales durante unos pocos días. Emiten una señal electrónica que puede oírse hasta a 2 kilómetros (1,25 milla) de distancia.

Las autoridades francesas dijeron esta semana que barcos militares en busca de los restos han detectado sonidos en la profundidad del Atlántico pero que no se trata de los grabadores.

Dos barcos contratados por los franceses están inspeccionando un área en un radio de 80 kilómetros (50 millas) empleando audífonos submarinos de la armada estadounidense adosados a 6.000 metros (19.700 pies) de cable. Un submarino francés también participa en la búsqueda.

jueves, 25 de junio de 2009



Por Ricardo Soca

Martes, 23 de junio de 2009


Departamento en el centro de Buenos Aires.
Se alquila por día o por semana.
Vea más informaciones.

Los envíos de La palabra del día están recopilados en tres libros ―La fascinante historia de las palabras, Nuevas fascinantes historias de las palabras y La milenaria historia de las palabras― totalmente independientes entre sí, cada uno de ellos ordenado de la a a la zeta.
Estas obras, escritas en lenguaje llano y ameno, accesible a todos los públicos, constituyen un viaje cautivante a través de los siglos y de las civilizaciones en busca del origen más remoto de las palabras que empleamos en nuestra vida cotidiana. Constituyen una introducción accesible a la historia de las palabras, escrita con rigor implacable, pero de lectura agradable incluso para los principiantes.


Esta palabra, proveniente del latín ostrea, tiene una historia curiosa en castellano. Hacia el siglo XIV, perdió la r y dio lugar a la forma ostia por un juego de palabras con hostia, considerado sacrílego. Pero sacrílega o no, esta forma se impuso en la mayor parte de la Península, al punto que hoy la ostra se llama ostión en Andalucía. Posteriormente, con la intención de evitar este juego, y probablemente a instancias de la Iglesia, se adoptó la forma portuguesa ostra, más cercana al latín, como suele ocurrir con la lengua de Camoens y de Machado de Assis.

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memoria minuitur nisi eam exerceas
«La memoria disminuye si no se la ejercita». Cicerón


Apellido gallego oriundo de Pontecaldelas. Se destaca en este linaje don Alfonso Vázquez de Insúa, propietario de la casa fuerte y del pazo de Villar de Ferreiros. ARMAS: En campo de plata, una banda jaquelada de plata y sable, acompañada de dos crecientes, también jaquelados de lo mismo, uno a cada lado.

NO atendemos consultas sobre apellidos. Por ampliación sobre este apellido o consultas sobre otros, vea http: //www. apellidosenlinea. com. (Es un servicio por pago).

Los derechos sobre este texto son reservados y queda terminantemente prohibida su reproducción no autorizada por cualquier medio impreso, electrónico o digital.

Por Ricardo Soca - © Asociación Cultural Antonio de Nebrija - 2002-2009

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Hombre que se emarazo se volvio a embarazar

We send congratulations out today to Thomas Beattie, the transgender man who has given birth to his second child, a year after the controversial pregnancy that shook the world and earned him a spot on Oprah's couch.

The 35-year-old man said he allowed himself to be impregnated because of his wife's fertility issues. Beattie was born as "Tracy Lagandino," but underwent gender reassignment to become a man. He stopped taking male hormone treatment to conceive the child.

Still, his wife Nancy will breast feed the boy, just as she did with their daughter Susan, who was born in Oregon last June.

Sources told ABC News it was a "natural childbirth," although their experience does give new meaning to the term.

Frase del dia

"Todos los días debiéramos preocuparnos por escuchar buena música, leer hermosos poemas, extasiarnos en lindas pinturas y hablar palabras razonables."

Johann W. Goethe

miércoles, 24 de junio de 2009

Francia a punto de decir si encontro un ET

Here is a report that only hit the Net on June 7, and if it is true, would have a big impact on Ufology, and the world. The report states that a senior, government official of France will state that it is aware of an alien presence on Earth.

Sounds very compelling, doesn't it? Well, we will just have to wait and see. The report also states the reason that France and some other countries are not releasing files is because of pressure from the USA, which feels that we are not ready.

Check out the report at France Poised to Disclose ET Presence on Earth. If this really happens, you can be sure I will be ready, and get us all the info there is on this. What do you think?

Observan Ovnis

Canada - 04-29-09 - Oak Bluff, Manitoba - The first time I saw it was about two months ago. I was driving home from Winnipeg to the town I live in called Domain. As I was turning off the Perimiter Highway, I saw a ball of fire coming to earth like a comet, not a shooting star. It was big, red and fiery.

Then as I turned the corner, I saw the UFO. It passed over the highway and it was too low to be a plane. It had lights on it. They were red and white, and it was hard to make out the shape, but it looked like a blimp with the seating compartment on the bottom of the big, oval balloon part.

Then on April 29, I was driving home around the same place when I saw a bright light in the distance toward the town of Oak Bluff. I decided to drive towards it to see if I could get a better look. As I got closer, I could tell it wasn't a plane because of its low altitude and slow speed.

I thought maybe it was a helicopter with a search light, but as I got even closer, it passed over my car like my last sighting, only this time stopping. This time I could distinctly make out the form of a blimp-shaped object with red and white blinking lights and one very bright light on the bottom.

I am sure it was not a plane, because of its slow speed, or helicopter, because of no loud rotor sound, and I got a look at the shape, which was not like a helicopter.

So I'm only left with two options as to what it is, some sort of blimp or zeppelin made on planet earth or the possibility of an alien space craft. source:

Canada - 05-17-09 - Hanover, Ontario - I was sitting on a lawn chair looking directly up for satellites and noticed a burnt orange silhouette of round shape moving slowly in a northern direction. I pointed my green laser pointer at it to show the other 5 witnesses, and after tracking the object with the laser for 2 seconds it quickly (in less than 1 second) moved to the west a few hundred feet.

Then it moved slowly to the west, until I hit it again with the laser, and it then quickly moved south, then east, then north, and then east, until we lost sight of it behind some trees.

It seemed that it didn't want to be hit with the laser, and would quickly move away from the beam. The laser was shining high enough that when I hit the object, the beam would reflect off the object until the object quickly moved out of the way.

Then the beam would be high in the sky again. There were no lights of any kind and no sound. The object made turns between 10-90 degree angles, and moved fast when the laser beam hit it. The amount of time that passed between the first sighting of it and when we lost sight of it completely was approximately 20 seconds. source:

Canada - 05-17-09 - Caledon, Ontario - It was a clear night. Sitting on my sofa, we have a clear view through a window over our fireplace. We noticed some really weird looking lights, something never seen before. There were 3 of them, and they appeared to be in a line following each other.

There was no noise, and they appeared to be moving slowly. Their motion was unlike anything I had seen. My wife was shocked! We went out on our back balcony to continue to watch (this all took place in about 2-3 minutes). My wife went inside to call our 12 year old son to see the UFO in the sky. He thought we were nuts until he came outside and saw them. By this time, there were 4.

As they quickly floated past our house, the first one suddenly changed course, which the other 3 followed perfectly. Now, at this point, the 3 of them are all quite bright orange, appeared a tad bit shaky, but once they turned, they went much higher in the sky and starting with the 1st one, started blinking a bit, then more and more until, 1 by 1, they all flickered out at a certain spot in the sky.

Our son was lucky enough to at least witness the final one to full affect. He is still shell-shocked! All we know is that, until this incident, we were skeptical. This has changed all of our thoughts on the subject! source:

Canada - 05-18-09 - London, Ontario - I looked up to scan the sky for meteorites or satellites upon exiting my car and walking through my parking lot. Something caught my attention, and my first thought was that I had spotted a slow, small meteorite - nothing very special.

It was perhaps 10 degrees from straight overhead and it was moving northwest. But then I realized that there were three lights forming a triangle. One light was following the other, then the third was about half that distance to the right and exactly in the middle. The lights were about the same brightness of a satellite, and all identical.

What was odd was the speed at which they were moving. They were moving much more quickly than an airplane or a satellite. It took approximately 15 seconds for the lights to move from near overhead to approximately 25 degrees above the horizon where they were lost in the distance. I listened as carefully as I could for jet engine noise, but there was complete silence. source:

Live Video of Lunar Flyby

Space Weather News for June 22, 2009

LUNAR FLYBY: Tomorrow morning, NASA's LCROSS (Lunar CRater Observation and Sensing Satellite) spacecraft will fly by the Moon and send pictures back to Earth from only 9000 km above the lunar surface. The purpose of the maneuver is to put LCROSS in an elongated Earth orbit and position it for impact at the lunar south pole later this year. Live video streaming of the flyby begins at approximately 5:20 AM PDT on Tuesday, June 23, 2009. Visit for links and updates.

NEW SUNSPOTS: Since 2007, it has been unusual to see even a single spot on the sun. Today there are two.  A pair of new-cycle sunspots is emerging in the sun's southern hemisphere.  This is a good opportunity for readers with solar telescopes to witness sunspot genesis in action.

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martes, 23 de junio de 2009

Comer y el estress

While new research on nutrition seems to come out every day, and low carb diet books top the bestseller lists, many people continue to be overweight. This is because, even if we know what we're supposed to be eating, there are additional factors that influence how much and what type of food we consume. One of these factors is stress, which is linked to increased emotional eating.

Emotional eating has many causes. The following are some of the main reasons - besides hunger - that stressed people eat:

  • Cortisol Cravings: Stress can bring on increased levels of cortisol, known as "the stress hormone." Cortisol has a beneficial function in the body, but excessive levels of cortisol brought on by chronic stress can cause a slew of problems in the body. Among other things, high levels of cortisol can create cravings for salty and sweet foods. In previous centuries, this enabled people to bulk up on foods that would sustain them during times when food is scarce; however, in modern times and industrialized nations, when food is rarely scarce, this previously adaptive mechanism causes excess weight gain.
  • Social Eating: Often people who are under stress will seek out social support, which is a great way to relieve stress. Unfortunately for dieters, when people get together — especially women — we tend to go out for a nice meal. Crying on your friend's shoulder over a couple of hot fudge sundaes, going out for a night on the town and a plate full of fried appetizers, sharing a bowl of chips with the guys as you watch a game, or discussing the gory details of a nightmare date over cheesecake with your roommates (didn't this occur in every episode of The Golden Girls?) are all social forms of emotional eating. It can make you feel better in the short term, but you may regret later.
  • Nervous Energy: When stressed or anxious, many people become "orally fidgety." Sometimes this leads to nail biting or teeth grinding, and often it leads to eating when not hungry. Many people, out of nervousness or boredom, just munch on chips or drink soda to give their mouths something to do.
  • Childhood Habits: Many of us have comforting childhood memories that revolve around food. Whether your parents used to reward you with sweets, fix your boo-boos with an ice cream cone, or make your favorite meal (or take you out to one) to celebrate your successes, you'd probably be in the vast minority if you didn't develop some emotionally-based attachments to food while growing up. When in times of stress, few things can be as powerfully comforting or rewarding as your favorite food. Because many people don't develop more effective coping strategies, this type of emotional eating is very common: people eat to celebrate, eat to feel better, eat to deal with the stress of being overweight.
  • Stuffing Emotions: Another emotional reason that many people eat is to quiet uncomfortable emotions. People who are uncomfortable with confrontation may deal with frustrations in their marriage with a piece of cake, for example, rather than with open communication. Food can take the focus off of anger, resentment, fear, anxiety, and a host of other emotions we'd sometimes rather not feel, and is often used for this purpose.

While there are many reasons for emotional eating, and it's a prevalent fixture in our society, it's not necessarily good for us, as anyone who's watching their weight will tell you. If you're an emotional eater, it's important for you to be aware of this, keep an eye on your triggers, and develop some effective stress management techniques and coping skills so that your body stays healthy and you choose your diet, rather than feeling out of control.

The following article has some specific and effective techniques for dealing with stress and cutting down on emotional eating, or you can take the Stress and Weight Gain Test to see what role stress plays with your weight, and to find targeted help. You can also scroll down for more resources.


Stress System Malfunction Could Lead To Serious, Life-Threatening Disease. NIH Backgrounder September 9, 2002.

Nueva teoria sobre que ocasiono el accidente del AF447

We have all heard about the disastrous crash of Air France Flight 447. In some ways, it is a sad thing that when a crash like this happens, immediately someone tries to link it up with a UFO report.

In this case, there was no report of a UFO at the time of the crash, but about a week after, on a plane following the same route that Flight 447 took, a passenger claims to have taken video of a UFO. This of course, fuels a possible link between a UFO and the original tragedy.

I have a pet peeve on youtube videos. Many of them seem to be lacking enough information about the video, and that is the case here. You can check out the video at Air France UFO Sighting Surfaces, and see what you think. Comment as you wish.

El fraude del siglo?

El 20 de julio de 1969, millones de personas en todo el planeta presenciaron el acontecimiento el siglo, la llegada del hombre a la Luna.
Tiempo después comenzaría una polémica que alteraría este evento mundial. Se Acusaba a la Nasa de fraude!. Las fotografías tomadas por las misiones Apolo, los paseos lunares y algunos accidentes técnicos anteriores a la primera misión exitosa contienen "Anomalías" que han sido escubiertas por expertos en fotografía e investigadores. Existen dos teorías sobre esto: una se apoya sobre un fraude total, o sea, jamás nadie piso la luna y fuimos engañados a una escala nunca vista por la humanidad, debido a que solo fué una propaganda para demostrar su poderío frente a la ex Unión Soviética. La otra teoría mas creíble indica que el hombre si estuvo en la Luna, pero varias fotos fueron realizadas en estudios de la Tierra, debido a que las fotografías originales contenían ovnis y estructuras lunares extraterrestres. Se sabe que los astronautas estuvieron vigilados allí por ovnis y que usaron un canal de radiocomunicación secreto para coordinar acciones con la base en Tierra.
Otro punto a favor de esta teoría fue la "cuarentena" que sufrieron los astronautas. ¿ Por que tanto tiempo? ¿ Les lavaron el cerebro o los utilizaron para realizar las fotografías de encubrimiento?
A continuación asómbrese con las fotos (¿falsas?) de la Luna:

Fotografías correspondiente al Apolo 11:
Foto 1:

Se puede observar a Neil Armstrong y Buzz Aldrin colocando la bandera de los Estados Unidos. Esta imagen fue tomada por una cámara de 16mm montada sobre el Módulo Lunar. La sombra de Aldrin (flecha verde) es bastante más larga que la de Armstrong. Como la única luz en la Luna y la única luz empleada fue la del sol, las sombras no deberían ser desiguales.

Foto 2:

Según la Nasa, la extraña silueta que aparece en la foto, tomada desde el Módulo Lunar a 95km de la superficie lunar, es la sombra proyectada por el cohete del Módulo de Mando. Pero cuando un avión de gran tamaño >vuela a baja altura sobre la Tierra, no proyecta sombras tan enormes y definidas.
Los Investigadores Ralph René, escritor de New Jersey, sostiene que el hombre nunca fue > >a > > > la luna. Afirma que las fotos de las misiones Apolo fueron hechas en > >un estudio del Gobierno cerca de la ciudad de Mercury (Nevada).
Por otra parte, el británico David Percy, fotógrafo profesional, expone con argumento que la iluminación de las fotografías de las misiones Apolo solo se pudieron conseguir en un estudio de la Tierra. También dice tener un informador de la Nasa, que ha filtrado información sobre el fraude. Otros afirman que la Nasa no contaba con el tiempo suficiente para diseñar la tecnología que podría llevar a los hombres a la Luna. A esto se le suma otra duda: ¿ por qué no volvieron a enviar otra misión allí ?

Postales para el asombro:
Para poder apreciar los detalles de estas fotografías, las he > >separado en ventanas individuales con sus correspondiente explicación.

Fotografía tomada por la Apolo 11:

Buzz Aldrin está de pié con el sol casi a su espalda. En la luna el contraste entre la oscuridad y la claridad es muy notable, por lo que seria imposible que se vieran tantos detalles del traje espacial.
Según los científicos al no haber atmósfera en la Luna la visibilidad es totalmente nítida, pero en esta foto el fondo del astronauta es borroso. En el casco se observa un Extraño objeto reflejado, del cual no ha podido saberse con exactitud que era.

Fotografía del Apolo 14:

Cuando este Módulo Lunar se poso en la Luna no produjo ningún cráter entre sus patas, a pesar de la considerable cantidad de polvo que debía haber levantado durante su descenso. Debajo del Módulo hay una pisada, a pesar de que nadie anduvo por esa parte de la Luna antes del descenso del vehículo. A la izquierda del Módulo se ven las palabras: United States, aunque están en la sombra. Buzz Aldrin dijo que no había refracción de la luz, lo que indica que se empleo otra fuente luminosa.

Fotografias tomadas en la Mision Apolo 16:
El astronauta de espaldas es John Young, reajustando una antena junto al vehiculo de Exploracion Lunar (VEL). Si observa con detalle se dara cuenta que el Vehiculo hizo un giro de 90 grados en forma recta. Da la impresion de que fue movido y puesto en ese lugar. En la roca que se observa, esta impresa la letra C, parece que alguien se olvido de esconder la marca del decorado. Debajo esta una ampliacion de las Lineas de Marca (las cruces), estan son producidas por la camara fotografica. Pero si observa bien la marca de la izquierda esta debajo de una de las antenas del VEL. ¿Como es posible?

Fotografía tomada en la misión Apolo 16:

Maria Blyzinky, directora de astronomia del observatorio de Greenwich (Londres), afirma que en la luna, a falta de atmosfera las estrellas son totalmente visibles y tienen mayor brillo. Pero en esta imagen, no se ve ninguna. La Nasa se defiende diciendo que la luz solar era tan intensa que anulaba el de las estrellas.
Si observa con detalle, las sombras son muy claras, permitiendo ver detalles del astronauta e incluso una insignia de Estados Unidos en la parte lateral del Modulo Lunar, esto es solo posible si estuvieran iluminados desde varios angulos.

Fotografía de la Misión Apolo 12:
El astronauta de la foto es Alan Bean, sosteniendo un contenedor de muestras. En el reflejo del casco se puede observar a Charles Conrad, esto es imposible ya que el reflejo del sol no debería dejar ver absolutamente nada. El traje de Alan puede verse con demasiada claridad lo cual indica que la luz del sol no era la única luz presente. El contenedor de muestras se ve claramente, aun estando de espaldas a la luz.

Fotografía tomada por la Misión Apolo 15:

Si observa el Modulo Lunar, vera la bandera Estadounidense con las Palabras United States. Simplemente esto es imposible, ya que el Modulo esta de espaldas al sol, y se sabe a nivel científico que el la Luna la sombra es absoluta. Nuevamente el cielo esta sin estrellas y el astronauta tiene una leve sombra que permite ver los detalles de su traje.
El 27 de mayo de 1967 surgieron unos importantes problemas en el modulo de mando del Apolo 1, mientras los astronautas estaban trabajando en el Hubo una corta transmisión: "Tenemos un incendio en la cabina". En pocos segundos la temperatura se elevo a 1400 grados debido a la alta concentración de oxigeno puro. Los 3 astronautas del Apolo 1 murieron. Para muchos de los que dudan de la Nasa, dicen que era imposible solucionar todos los defectos tecnológicos que tenían en un lapso tan breve de 2 años.