
sábado, 16 de enero de 2010

Observan OVNIs

Florida - 01-02-10 - The UFO was like a star-shape - brightly lit. It came from the south going north to northeast. I live near a small airport, Hoffman's Aviation.

There was three small planes in the area and this UFO came right in between all of them, there is no way for the pilots to miss the UFO, it came close to all of them. I have a big flash light and shined my light on it while it was in between all the planes not to mention the jets that were flying at a high altitude.

Then the UFO took off to the east, and the more it went the faster it got until it dimmed out to the east. I'm outside sky watching, I'm out almost every night and lately since its been colder out, the UFOs have been coming down closer to roof tops.

This UFO went slow. I don't have a video camera or I would have tried to film it. Source:

Nevada - 01-02-10 - My husband, mom, youngest child and I were traveling eastbound on I-80 just outside of Mustang when I first noticed a steady stream of red lights travel right in front of our vehicle.

At first it almost resembled sets of vehicle tail lights, but I knew that that was not possible because vehicles do not travel in that direction on that part of the highway and the object was flying extremely fast.

I was the first to notice it, and got the attention of the others just in time to see the tail end of it. I immediately began looking for answers as to what it was, but there was no explanation.

We were still in shock when it happened again in the same direction, south heading north. This time all of us saw it very clearly, but still are completely unaware of anything that this could be other than a UFO.

The experience of the sighting was amazing. People will continue to be skeptical about this life form until something like this happens to them. I admit, I had my doubts, until tonight. There is not a question in my mind about what I saw. I saw a UFO. Source:

Oregon - 12-31-09 - I was driving to Fred Meyers grocery store, the weather was dark, mild rain storm was going on, but strangely there were some pockets of clear spots. I parked my car at the store.

The other people around me were rushing into the store to hide from the rain and cold, cars where driving past me as well. There was a feeling of high stress.

I saw a flash of white light like in a searching pattern. The object flew over the store, and I saw the ship clearly for a around 10 seconds - it was thin and the shape was like a cigar, it was black or a very dark color.

Both ends of the UFO had lights which worked in a search pattern. It also had a number of red, glowing lights. It moved slowly and steadily through the air. Because of the people rushing inside of the store, it seems that nobody else saw the object. Source:

Tennessee - 12-31-09 - My family and I were watching fireworks, and we saw what looked like an airplane coming from the east at an incredible speed. As it got closer, it stopped on a dime and hovered in the air maybe one mile from our house.

From the looks of it, the object was disc-shaped with lights going all around it. They didn't look at all normal, the entire ship looked to be on fire. After hovering for what seemed two or three seconds, it shot to the north then stopped on a dime while it hovered again.

Five seconds went by, then at light speeds it vanished. Three seconds went by, then another one came and did the exact same thing the one before did, then vanished. After that one left three seconds later we saw the exact thing happed again.

I know this all sounds crazy but it happened. My wife got curious and got online and typed in UFO sightings - Springhill. The 10th of this month, a neighbor of ours sighted the exact same thing. If anybody can explain what this is and why this keeps happening in my neighbor, I would appreciate it. Source:

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