
viernes, 15 de enero de 2010

Observan OVNIs

California - 12-21-09 - Going eastbound, I noticed out left hand window a circular, grey object going toward Moffat Field. The bottom of the object had a textured surface similar to egg crate (It had many smaller inverse domes going around the circular grey shape).

I found it fascinating that I was watching this thing go over in broad daylight approximately 1,000-2,000 ft. off the ground, going over a major highway.

It was high enough up to be the same altitude as an incoming 747 headed toward SFO on approach, but had no wings that I could tell, though it was going the same speed of an incoming airliner. It 'floated' past and I was so astonished, I forgot to pull out the cell phone and grab a picture, plus trying to concentrate driving in morning traffic.

When first noticed the object, my immediate reaction was this was extraterrestrial. I know airplanes and this wasn't one. After the sighting, I thought I must have just somehow seen something either astonishing or was plain mistaken somehow.

I didn't think anyone would believe me if I did report it anyway. I lost sight of the object behind some trees as the freeway dipped in elevation by a golf course. Source:

California- 12-25-09 - It was Christmas night 2009, and I was on my front patio looking through my new telescope at the night sky. The street in front of our house runs straight into the beach, so I have a 100% view directly down the street.

Anyway, I was looking around and I happened to look toward the beach. I saw an orange light which I thought was a plane making a slow decent, but it took a really long time to get near the shore and it had no blinking lights.

Once it got between my house and Santa Catalina Island, it made a banking turn and discharged 3 burning things, which all burned the entire way down to the ocean. When it turned, I happened to catch the slightest glimpse of it. It was silver-like brushed aluminum, not shiny.

It looked like a rounded, silver Stealth Bomber, or like the number 3. The orange glow was heat coming off of it. Once the 3 items had been discharged, it took about 3 seconds for the craft to vanish towards The Port of Los Angeles / Long beach. It was directly over the scattered off-shore oil-rig field.

Someone or some surveillance camera had to have seen it. Earlier this year in January 2009, I had reported a similar sighting just south of here, in Newport Beach. In that case the craft was sitting still and emitting "lots" of burning debris in a similar fashion.

I cannot believe that being this close to the beach, and so close to so many beach communities, that no one else saw either one of these incidents. Source:

Pennsylvania - 11-29-09 - I was driving home from Ohio on I-70, and there was a huge traffic jam and we were moving between 5-20 mph for many miles starting around mile marker 103. Traffic started to get lighter around mile marker 130, but then it started to be stop and go again around mile marker 140.

As I rounded the bend I noticed in the sky a huge saucer-shaped object. I didn't want to believe that it could be a UFO and tried to see if it was a cloud, but it could not have been a cloud. All the clouds in the sky were a feathery, thin sort of cloud (Cirrus). This object in the sky was very solid.

There were no cumulus clouds. The shape of this object was defined and sharp, no bumps like what cumulus clouds look like. I noticed a lot of people pulled over in the emergency pull over areas, and I tried to get my vehicle to one of those to get my camera out of my trunk but the traffic was so bad.

By the time I was able to get to an emergency pull over, the object was half way hidden by trees and when I was in park, the object was completely hidden by trees. I started driving towards darker skies and lost sight of the object. Source:

Pennsylvania - 12-27-09 -My dogs woke me first at 4:30 AM on Sunday 12/28/09. I let them outside and they came back in. I went back to bed 5 minutes. later. My one dog woke me again at 5:45 AM.

As I was getting out of bed, I glanced out the bedroom window and saw a bright, red light in the sky. I walked over to the window and opened it to get a clearer view and to listen for a sound. In doing so I heard a very low hum that went from high to low.

That morning you could hear a pin drop. Living in the woods is extremely quite during the winter and Sunday morning 12/27/09 was a cold crisp, no clouds, star-lit sky, no wind morning. It was completely still.

The object was actually just above the tops of the trees and about a 1/2 football field away. It was quite larger. It was hard to define the actually shape and size. When I first spotted it, there was what appeared to be 3 prongs or legs hanging down from it, covered in red, blue green, and yellow-amber lights.

I awaken my friend to come and take a look. As he was watching this object I was trying to find my I phone to no avail. I flicked the outside lights on and off. He stated as I did that the white light underneath the object changed to a blue green.

The object appeared to be square to him with lights at each corner and a light in the middle. He stated that middle light shot a beam down, but it didn't reach the ground. I quickly got dressed and jumped in my car to follow it since it moving very slowly.

It actually look as if it was gliding more so than being propelled. As I got to a clearing at the end of the road, the object had already appeared to be about 2 miles away on the other side of the hill. I turned around and went back home. As I got out of the car another object flew directly over my house heading in the same path as the previous object.

I was able to see that it had a red light on each end of the span and a white light in the center. This object was about 2000' feet up. I listened for a sound and determined it was a plane. A plane has never flown directly over my house especially at that low of a altitude. Source:

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