
lunes, 19 de abril de 2010

Observan OVNI´s

Apr 15 2010

Texas - 03-24-10 - We had heard of UFO activity in our area, so we headed up to the hilltop at the end of Vivian street in Ranger, Texas, in hopes of catching a glimpse of one.

We were prepared with our gear, which included an 250 mw green laser and digital camera. We wanted to test the area where strange lights had been reported.

We wanted to see if the green laser beam would bend toward the craft, and indicate the use of a gravity generator or worm hole technology.

We shined the green laser far into the night sky. Over a 30 minute period we saw many aircraft in the area. A couple of military jets flew overhead.

We commented on the likelihood of not seeing anything with the jets in the area. Ten minutes after the passing of the jets and continued use of the green laser to attract attention to ourselves, we weren't seeing anything out of the ordinary.

But then my friend noticed something about 1/2 mile away above the tree line. It had a series of 5 lights. The light on the far right seemed to flicker and electrical sparks seemed to be coming from the area on the far right.

I pulled the green laser out and made a circle around the craft. The laser light did not distort, but could not be seen shooting past the object. I was tempted to put the laser directly on the craft, but had second thoughts about how that might be taken.

I struggled to pull the camera out of my pocket, and the craft and lights simply disappeared before the lens opened. We are excited about the laser test. We are trying to figure out if distorting gravity would alter light projection. Source:

Texas - 03-31-10 - At approximately 8:30 PM, I was driving south on Hwy 183 between Breckenridge and Cisco. I was in Eastland County about 6-7 miles northeast of Cisco when white lights appeared suddenly to my southeast and caught my attention.

My view of the lights was somewhat obstructed, but the lights appeared to be stationary and in a wedge-shaped formation. They were located to the east of 183 and to the south of 112. After about two seconds, the lights disappeared.

I had traveled about another 1/4 mile when I saw a short flash of white light traveling upwards at an angle. My view was obstructed by trees. This light was very low to the ground, lasted for less than a second, and was almost directly to my east and closer to the highway.

After I had gone a little further down the highway, a line of white lights appeared in the same relative position to where I had seen the wedge of lights. The lights came on simultaneously and went off simultaneously after about a second or two. They appeared to be stationary, in a perfectly straight line, and evenly spaced. Source:

Texas - 04-02-10 - We were enjoying Good Friday with family south of Yoakum, Texas. My husband and his son and our grandchild spotted what they thought was a vehicle traveling along the upper ridge of the property.

Immediately we jumped into the car and went to see the object, thinking it was a red vehicle. There was no vehicle in sight and there were no gates that a vehicle could have gone through.

The "vehicle" disappeared quickly and there were no signs of tire tracks... after considering this scene, I began to consider a UFO as I have been studying them for awhile now, and it had to be something in the air. Source:

Texas - 04-02-10 - I went just outside my home to let my dog outside and because of its brightness, I noticed a very intense, amber-colored light about 20 degrees off the horizon in the southwestern sky around 2110 hours.

I tried to determine if the light was a nebula or star, but realized there are none this low to the horizon. The light did not move.

It remained on for about 10 seconds after I spotted it, and then it suddenly blinked out, like a light switch turned it off. I kept looking at the spot I had seen the light, and then it reappeared in a couple of seconds, only it had moved (horizontally) in what appeared to be a northerly direction.

It remained at around 20 degrees from the horizon. The light remained on for about 10 more seconds and again suddenly blinked out as it had before.

There is no way I can explain exactly how far it actually moved. I left the area to get my video camera and videotaped the area of sky for the next 10 minutes, but it never reappeared. Source:

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