
lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2009

Observan OVNIs

My experience was unique in that it occurred during the evening of November 21, 2008. The location was Leesburg, Ohio. I was driving on a rural road when I noticed a group of lights flashing in the evening sky.

I was surprised by the close grouping and their apparent elevation. Their appearance suggested a slow moving group of helicopters in the night sky.

I have lived near Camp Pendleton in the past, and that experience led me to believe the grouping of lights to be just that, helicopters.

What made me stop and get out of the car though, was the lack of noise. I rolled down my driver side window and couldn't hear the noise normally associated with helicopters. What I observed was truly life changing!

I observed a silent craft of immense proportions. It appeared to be roughly a mile wide and nearly as long. It was hard to tell. There were flashing lights at the apparent extremities of the object.

I did see smaller circular and lighted objects convene with the craft on either side. The craft then performed an incredibly complex axis shift. It was completely silent. There were no other aircraft around.

I'll never forget it. I did call my parents and asked them to look into the sky in the direction of the craft some three miles away. They did see the craft's lights flashing.

I regret the length of this email, but the experience has changed everything I think about UFOs. My intuition tells me that the craft was extraterrestrial.

It moved in a manner which suggested a technology that harnessed the fundamental laws of gravity. I believe the object was triangular in shape.

Illinois - 11-30-09 - I was driving home from a late night at work in Anna, working on monthly reports. I was driving north towards Carbondale, where I live. Suddenly, a car driving south starts flashing its lights at me very rapidly.

I figure it's a warning for deer. I didn't see any deer, then I glance to the left and a glowing green ball is moving at a high rate of speed traveling north, almost like a flash.

I was amazed and thought I just witnessed a comet, then on the right side of 51 a huge, low flying triangle object with 4-5 dim lights was traveling northwest towards Cedar Lake. I fumbled for my cell phone and got a video, but it shows nothing really.

The triangle moved steadily at a pretty good rate, but not extremely fast. I turned down Rifle Range, and could barely see it through the trees heading towards Cedar Lake. I drove to the boat ramp and saw nothing. After an hour of debating I reported it, hoping to hear of similar sightings. That is why I'm posting this.

I cannot reveal my identity because people will think I'm a freak! I know someone else had to have seen it - especially the car that was frantically flashing its lights. This is the first time I've seen anything like this. So anyone that saw the flying triangle about 100 yards wide, please post your story. I'm still in disbelief. Source:

Illinois - 11-29-09 - I got out of bed to get a drink of water, then opened the window to let in some cool evening air. I noticed what a beautiful, clear night it was, and how well you could see the stars in the sky.

Looking across the night sky, I saw three stars in a perfect line, perhaps two fingers between each and wondered as to what constellation I might be observing. The three stars were all stationary for at least 30 seconds. At that point the center of the three stars seemed to start moving.

At first, it moved very slowly, and at this point I began to wonder: was it actually moving, or was it my imagination? After three or four more seconds of watching it, I was not totally sure if it was moving or not, it then began to speed up.

It was moving about 4 times faster than any of the commercial jets that fly over our home. I watched it move in a straight line across the sky. I ran to the other side of the house to keep watching, but it had already distanced itself from view.

I have no idea what I saw, but I felt kind of lucky in a way to have seen something so interesting. I can't stop thinking about what it could have been. Each time I think about what I saw that night, a warm smile appears upon my face. I truly believe that I saw something very special.

I have seen meteorites, comets, cloud punches, and many other oddities in the sky, but truly this was the most amazing thing that I have ever seen. If you think there is a simple explanation for what I might have seen, please let me know. Source:

Illinois - 11-30-09 - I was watching the sky and this object flew forward and then backward. As it moved backward, I took a photo and it had three lights on its underside.

Suddenly it became brighter and when I took a photo I could see 6 lights instead of just three. I gave chase in my car, driving to the spot it kind of stopped when it flew backwards, but could not see it any more.

I decided to go back home, which was in the forward direction that it flew, and I spotted it again. I followed it the best I could, and I could see it light up one bulb, and then it blinked just like a star. Source:

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