
lunes, 7 de diciembre de 2009

10 maneras de evitar el estress navideño

The holidays are in full swing, if the crazed mall parking lots are any indication, and it may seem impossible to catch a breath, much less relax this holiday season. But, dealing with your stress is essential if you want to get any sort of enjoyment out of the holidays. It's also essential for maintaining your health, your weight and your sanity. These quick tips offer some ideas for avoiding too much stress this holiday season.

1. Hit the Gym for Your Workouts

It's tempting to take the gym off your to-do list, but getting in some exercise is one of the best ways to burn off tension, get time to yourself, and boost your energy and mood. This is also a great time of year to go to the gym because it's less crowded -- things will be nice and quiet before the January crush. Plan a few simple workouts on your favorite machines, and give yourself some extra time to lounge in the hot tub or steam room. You'll be glad you did.

2. Lift Weights

Resistance training helps you build stronger bones and raise your metabolism, but you know what else? It also gives you the strength to carry around shopping bags, push your way through the manic crowds at the mall, and stay on the ladder while hanging lights on your house. There are a myriad of holiday scenarios that require muscle, so try a simplestrength routine a couple times a week to stay strong and fit.

3. Take a Run or Walk

You may not be crazy about cardio but it can have many benefits, especially during the holiday season. First, cardio exercise is proven to increase those feel-good hormones, which helps reduce stress. Second, it helps you maintain your weight, or at least minimize weight gain from eating too many treats. Bonus: When you need a break from the family, it's a great excuse to get out for a bit and get a moment to yourself. Walking and runningare great choices for simple, accessible activities you can do at home or on the road.

4. Relax with Mind/Body Exercise

If gym workouts or more strenuous routines are out of reach, try setting aside 5 to 10 minutes in the morning or at night for a gentle mind/body workout, such as yoga. Yoga is great for flexibility, but it's also a great way to wake up on a cold morning or unwind after a long day. If you're not able to fit in your usual workouts, try yoga or any type of stretching workout as often as you can throughout the day.

5. Sleep

You may be busier than ever, but getting enough sleep is essential for keeping your stress hormones in check and your weight from creeping up. In fact, lack of sleep can affect hormones so much that your body may actually store extra fat when things get stressful. Do everything you can to create a bedtime ritual that helps you unwind and relax -- try alight stretching workout, take a hot bath, read something soothing or have some herbal tea. And don't be afraid to take a power nap during the day if you're not getting enough sleep at night.

6. Avoid Eating Out too Frequently

Do you find you eat out more this time of year? I certainly do simply because, at the end of an exhausting day, it's so much easier to collapse in a restaurant booth and let someone else do all the work. But resisting the temptation to eat out all the time can help save your waistline as well as keep stress at bay. Eating out may be the easy way out, but all those extra calories can add up, leaving you feeling guilty and stressed. Plan simple, easy meals that don't require many ingredients or time. For ideas, check out Busy Cooks Guide Linda Larsen's "Five Ingredients or Less" recipes.

7. Ease Up on Yourself

In the first few steps, I mentioned doing what you can to keep some kind of exercise program going. But, if trying to stick to your usual routine is making you crazy, don't be afraid to scale back a little. Finding a couple of hours to get to the gym, change your clothes, workout, take a shower, change clothes again and get where you're going can be tough, even on the best day. Try short bouts of exercise, or check out these timesaver workouts. Remember, doing something is always better than doing nothing!

8. Drink More Water

This time of year, many of us end up drinking more alcohol than usual, which can causeweight gain. Add that to cold, dry weather and you've got a recipe for dehydration. Being dehydrated zaps your energy and makes it difficult to concentrate, so keep a water bottle handy throughout the day. You can also drink herbal teas and eat fruits and vegetables, which will also contribute to your hydration. And, if you drink alcohol, try having a glass of water between each drink to keep you sober and hydrated (and help avoid a hangover).

9. Learn How to Say No

Saying "no" is an art form during the holidays, but there's no better gift you can give yourself. Your first priority should be taking care of yourself -- if you don't, nothing will get done. Make priorities and decide which functions you must attend and which tasks you can delegate to a loved one. Don't be afraid to decline activities that only add more stress. Remind yourself that the holidays are about enjoying yourself and your family, not being Superman or Superwoman.

10. Reward Yourself

When the holidays are over, reward yourself for a job well done with a massage, a facial, new workout music or even an hour reading a book or listening to your favorite tunes. There's always a little let down when the holidays end, so pick yourself up with a little self-care to get your mind and body relaxed and ready for the new year.

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