
domingo, 9 de mayo de 2010

Urgent: Preventing the next oil spill

The BP Oil Spill is a threat to wildlife.

Please Donate Now to Prevent Future Spills


Dear Raul,

Down here on the Gulf Coast, the size and scope of this oil spill is hard to comprehend -- and the threat to over 400 species of wildlife is getting worse by the minute.

Just yesterday, our staff spotted this turtle (pictured) surfacing briefly at the edge of the oil slick. I felt ill to my stomach when I saw this sea turtle struggling in oily water, knowing that this is only a first glimpse of a long-term ecological catastrophe.

But while I'm on the ground in Venice, Louisiana, the window of opportunity is open for you. If our National Wildlife Federation Action Fund team can count on your support now, we have the opportunity to advocate for safer, cleaner energy choices.

Help us send the wake-up call to Congress.
Make a contribution today to help us push for legislation that can prevent the next oil spill and protect vulnerable wildlife populations.


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Right now, we're pushing our elected officials to get us on the path to a better future for our wildlife, environment and economy by:

1. Ending our reliance on the oil companies, like BP, that endanger our natural world;

2. Restoring Coastal Louisiana's wetlands and protecting the animals living there; and

3. Stopping the rush to invest in dirty fuels and block legislation that would allow oil companies to bring dangerous fuels into America's heartland.

This story is front and center with the media, shining a spotlight on America's dirty oil dependency. But it won't last, which is why we need to make sure Congress hears our message loud and clear: We can't stand by while oil companies like BP continue to put the future of America's wildlife, environment, and economy at risk.

Please give what you can today, and help us make sure a disaster like this never happens again.


Larry Schweiger signature
Larry Schweiger
Board of Directors, National Wildlife Federation Action Fund
President and CEO, National Wildlife Federation
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