
domingo, 16 de mayo de 2010

No Impact Project on a roll

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Help Others Live Better

Imagine if for one week, everyone tried out the same experiment I did for one year, seeing what is important in life by stripping away all the things that clutter our world.

Well 10,000 people have so far. They did the No Impact Experiment, and have committed themselves to living better and lighter on the planet.

The idea is on a roll. Here's what's coming up:
·         Next fall 30,000 college freshmen will read No Impact Man as part of the "All Freshman Read" on campuses across the country. We will facilitate No Impact Weeks on each campus to make the book come alive for students.
·         The TV premiere of No Impact Man will be on Planet Green on August 28th. We are organizing viewing parties in living rooms everywhere, with a toolkit to facilitate discussion and action.
·         10,000 teachers will use our No Impact curriculum in their classrooms, reaching hundreds of thousands of students.
·         And I continue to cross the country talking to people about how individuals can make a real difference, even when the problem feels so big.
But all this work costs money. To bring this great message to even more people, we need to raise $10,000 in the next few weeks. Thousands of people have gotten involved – if everyone gives a bit, we can raise the whole amount easily.
I gave up take out food for a year. Can you give it up for a month, and send $50 or $100 to spread the word to others about how we can live better by living simply?  Click here to donate.

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