
domingo, 2 de mayo de 2010

Spill, baby, spill sticker

Latest news and action alert from Greenpeace
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Raul --

As I write, President Obama's energy policy is washing up along the Louisiana coast.

The BP Deepwater Horizon disaster is a human tragedy, an economic tragedy and an environmental catastrophe. Lives have been lost and an estimated 210,000 gallons of oil are leaking daily into the Gulf of Mexico. Experts say that it could be the worst oil spill in North American history.

"Spill, baby, spill" is what "drill, baby, drill" looks like in reality. It's what happens when lobbyists from dirty industries like oil, coal and nuclear write our energy policy. And while the oil continues to spill, the Senate is preparing to debate climate legislation. From everything we've seen and heard the proposed bill is full of misguided policies like offshore drilling. Enough is enough.

Spill, Baby, Spill
Click here to get your sticker.

We've come up with this powerful sticker to make sure that everyone is reminded why offshore drilling cannot be a part of our energy future - for our oceans, for our environment and for our climate. We're offering these stickers to our supporters for a donation of $1 to cover the cost of printing and postage - display them widely and make sure that this disaster is remembered long after the cameras leave.

As the first wildlife victims are already being discovered in the Gulf, we are determined to make sure that this disaster serves to show President Obama that he must act now to permanently re-enact the moratorium on offshore drilling and that together with the Congress they must move to replace dirty and dangerous fuels with clean energy.

America, and the world, deserves better.

For the planet,
Phil Radford
Executive Director

P.S. Please share this message widely with your family and friends, we need everyone's help to spread the word that offshore drilling should be off the table.

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