
sábado, 31 de mayo de 2008

moralidad de la guerra (esta en ingles)

Ethics and Morality of War: Is War Justified? Is War Just?
People should participate more in the discussion about the morality of war. No particular war can be adequately justified without us first having gone through the question of whether and how any war can ever be justified morally. Perhaps we cannot assume the actual decision-making authority, but we can frame the context for those who do make the decisions.
War Quotes: Anti War Quo... News: The War on Terror ... @
Just War Theory: Jus Ad Bellum and the Pursuit of WarHow do Just War theories expect to justify the pursuit of some wars? How can we ever conclude that some particular war may be more moral than another? Although there are some differences in the principles used, we can point to five basic ideas that address whether or not it is just to launch any particular war.
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Just War Theory: Jus In Bello and the Waging of WarHow do Just War theories expect to justify the pursuit of some wars? How can we ever conclude that some particular war may be more moral than another? Although there are some differences in the principles used, we can point to five basic ideas that address whether or not it is just to launch any particular war.
War and Morality: Do Morality and War Mix?Although the debate of war and morality may be interesting, there is one issue which could interrupt the discussion entirely: perhaps, according to some, moral standards simply aren't applicable to war. One example of this attitude might be found in Union General William Tecumseh Sherman's comment that "War is hell."
War and Morality: What is War?Evaluating the ethics of war requires knowing what "war" is. Some may say, "Isn't it obvious what war is?" In fact, defining war is not as easy as it appears. There are situations that do qualify as war and examples that don't; but what about all of the situations in between? Is war one of those "I know it when I see it concepts," or are there criteria that allow us to identify what war is?
Morality of War: Just War TheoryThere is a tradition in Western culture of differentiating between "just" and "unjust" wars. Those opposed to war in principle will surely disagree that any such distinction can possibly be made, but the basic ideas involved seem to present a plausible argument that there are times when war is, at the very least, less just and as a result should receive less support.
Unpatriotic Protests: Should Protesters Support Our Troops?Debate over America's invasion of Iraq has led to an equally important debate about people publicly protesting that invasion. Is it unethical and unpatriotic to protest a conflict when American troops are fighting and dying? Is it unethical and unpatriotic to use patriotism as a means to silence protest?
War and PacifismPacifism, whether adopted in a broad or narrow sense, is a relatively rare position. Although people may object to violence and war in specific circumstances, most are quite willing to allow or even to actively support its use in a wide variety of other situations. As a result, those who object to war and violence in principle and in general are regarded as highly unusual, if not highly suspect.
Morality of War: Defending WarThere have been many arguments offered in defense of war. Some are deontological, defending war either as a positive value itself or as an expression of positive values. Some are teleological and defend war as a justified means towards some important and valuable end. Some are virtue-based and defend war as something which helps produce good character and positive virtues in people.
Antiwar Arguments that War is Immoral and UnethicalEven when support is unusually widespread, there will always be a few who dissent from popular opinion and object to their country engaging in war, arguing that the conflict is immoral and unethical. Quite often, they are attacked for their stand and accused of being unpatriotic, immoral, naive, and even treasonous.

otra reseña en ingles, esta tambien es de un muy buen libro

There are probably few people who haven’t heard of the Jesuits, more properly known as the Society of Jesus, but just how much do people know about them — their history, their goals, and their methods? That’s a more difficult question to answer because there are so many myths that have developed about the organization (both positive and negative). Disentangling myth from reality is no easy task, especially where religion and hagiography are concerned.
Title: God's Soldiers: Adventure, Politics, Intrigue, and Power - A History of the JesuitsAuthor: Jonathan WrightPublisher: DoubledayISBN: 0385500785
Pro:• Provides ample information from both detractors and supporters• Nice combination of traditional history and anecdotes• Entertaining style that should have broad appeal
Con:• Could have been much longer• More on their doctrines and beliefs would have been helpful
Description:• History of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) - what they did and their impact on religion, society, politics• Focuses primarily on their actions and influence, not on their doctrines and beliefs

Book Review
Because of the very important role the Jesuits have played in the modern development of the Catholic Church, especially with its response to Protestantism and its involvement with colonization and conversion throughout the world, we really can’t pretend that they are unimportant. Founded by Ignatius of Loyola in 1534, the Jesuits have been an integral part not only of Catholicism, but of how non-Catholics have reacted to Catholicism.
For a solid and readable introduction to the history of the Jesuits, people can turn to Jonathan Wright’s God's Soldiers: Adventure, Politics, Intrigue, and Power - A History of the Jesuits.
A British historian who has written on multiple aspects of modern religious history, Wright is dealing with a very difficult and complicated subject. Much more so than other religious groups, like Franciscans or Dominicans, the Jesuits have inspired awe, hatred, and jealousy — not merely among Protestants, but also among fellow Catholics! Disentangling myth from reality is thus exceedingly difficult - and perhaps undesirable.
“Whether loved or loathed, the Society of Jesus could never be ignored. It would disrupt the certainties and hierarchies of the Catholic Church, transform the intellectual, cultural, and devotional landscapes of Europe, and meddle in successive controversies of reformation, empire building, enlightenment, and revolution. ...Both the hagiographies and the black legends are hopelessly misleading. There have been good Jesuits and bad Jesuits, otherworldly innocents and ambitious political schemers.”
The myths and tall tales about the Jesuits are just as much a part of their history as the truth is, so any decent account of the organization will have to incorporate both in order to give readers a fuller understanding of what the Jesuits have meant to individuals as well as to society. This is a principle which Wright seems to embrace, describing the Jesuits’ actions and impact with a combination of standard historical accounts and curious vignettes that alternatively fascinate and repel.
Many people assume that the Jesuits were created in response to the Protestant Reformation, but that isn’t true. They would have been created anyway, but the Reformation meant that they immediately had a grand purpose and provided the Catholic hierarchy with a new, vibrant tool just when they needed one. The Jesuits were at the right place at the right time, which makes their association with the Counter-Reformation understandable. It also explains their dramatic growth, and that growth is the cause for the jealousy on the part of other Catholics. This led to their formal suppression by the pope in 1773, although enough survived that they could be re-established in the following century.

God's Soldiers: Adventure, Politics, Intrigue, and Power - A History of the Jesuits
Protestants were suspicious of the Jesuits and their actions. Jesuits were thought to be deeply involved in political intrigue and plots to overthrow Protestant governments. Jesuits traveled under false identities and acted to inspire the continuing faith of Catholic communities within Protestant territory. Jesuits also promoted those aspects of Catholicism that outraged Protestants the most — the robes of priests, the Mass, veneration of Mary, and so forth. Jesuits thus became the embodiment of everything hated about Catholicism, one that the Protestants could do something about when they captured a Jesuit in their midst and made a martyr out of him.
Bottom Line
Wright is undeniably sympathetic to the Jesuits and their missions, but that doesn’t stop him from providing plenty of space to their various missteps, prejudices, and crimes. This is no hagiography or whitewash, but it’s not a polemical attack either. In the end readers won’t be quite sure whether to like or dislike the Jesuits, but will definitely have to respect the Jesuits’ impact on religion, culture, and politics. Unfortunately, far more could have been said. A longer book might not have the same mass appeal, but it probably would have been a better book.

viernes, 30 de mayo de 2008

Noticia muy interesante, para los que creen en la globalizacion

Tribu desconocida es hallada en AmazonasPublicado: 19:2429 de mayo de 2008
CIUDAD DE MÉXICO ( — Miembros de una de las últimas tribus en el mundo que no ha tenido contacto con la civilización fueron encontrados y fotografiados desde el aire cerca de la frontera entre Brazil y Perú, dio a conocer la organización Survival International, en su sitio de internet.
Las imágenes fueron tomadas durante varios vuelos sobre una de las más remotas zonas del Amazonas en el estado brasileño de Acre.
“Realizamos un sobrevuelo para mostrar sus casas, para mostrar que están ahí, que existen”, dijo el experto en tribus sin contacto, José Carlos dos Reis Meirelles Júnior, quien trabaja para FUNAI, el departamento de asuntos indígenas de Brasil. “esto es muy importante porque hay gente que duda de su existencia”, dijo.
Meirelles dijo que hay más tribus con las cuales no se ha establecido contacto, cuyas casas han sido fotografiadas desde el aire.
"Estas imágenes son una evidencia de que las tribus sin contacto realmente existen. El mundo necesita despertar a este hecho y asegurar que su territorio sea protegido, de acuerdo con la ley internacional. De otra manera, pronto podrían extinguirse", consideró Stephen Corry, director de Survival International

jueves, 29 de mayo de 2008

Reseña de libro que encontre, sobre abuso sexual (esta en ingles)

The year 2002 was one of profound crisis and crisis management for the Roman Catholic Church in America. This was the year that the stories of priests sexually abusing children — and the church hierarchy covering up for them — really broke out into the open and captivated the media’s attention. What, though, were the causes of the abuse? Should things be changed to eliminate homosexuality, as the conservatives say, or to eliminate celibacy, as the liberals say?
Title: Priests: A Calling in CrisisAuthor: Andrew M. GreeleyPublisher: University of Chicago PressISBN: 0226306445
Pro:• Equally critical of both liberals and conservatives
Con:• None
Description:• Analysis of the Catholic Church’s sexual abuse scandal• Argues against both conservative and liberal critics of the priesthood• Defends priesthood and priests

Book Review
There are a lot of different opinions out there about how to reform and improve the priesthood, with the elimination of homosexuality and celibacy being two of the most popular. In reality, though, it seems unlikely that either are good answers to what is going on — at least, if one looks at the sociological data about Catholic priests. That’s what Andrew M. Greeley, himself a Catholic priest as well as a professor of social sciences, has done in his book Priests: A Calling in Crisis. He minces no words in his sharp criticism of both liberals and conservatives.
As to liberal critics, Greeley argues that the statistical data demonstrates that priests aren’t particularly worse off for being celibate.
They don’t suffer psychologically or emotionally because they don’t have intimate, sexual relationships with women. He doesn’t argue that celibacy must necessarily remain, and in fact acknowledges that there may be very good reasons for and consequences to allowing married men into the priesthood. His point, however, is that there is no good data to support the claims that celibacy causes priests to be psychological wrecks and that this, in turn, increases the likelihood of committing sexual abuse:
“Patently, most men who leave the priesthood do not leave because of celibacy. They must also dislike the work of the priest to the extent that they say they would not choose again to be a priest. ...If the celibacy rule is abolished, fine. But let it be abolished for good reasons—that it is right and proper and good for married men to be in the priesthood, not because celibacy has driven out of the priesthood most of those who have left and not because celibacy as such is the cause of the vocation crisis. These two reasons are nothing more than smoke and mirrors. Moreover, they are false prophecies and those who proclaim them false prophets.“
This does not mean that priests are always happy, however:
“Most priests as individuals are happy as priests, but they do not think others are happy. As individuals they do not find celibacy a serious personal problem. But most priests (it would appear) believe that the majority of their fellow priests are unhappy because for them celibacy is a serious personal problem. The reason is that at most gatherings of priests the lowest common denominator of envy, misery, and mediocrity tends to dominate the conversation. Hence the astonishment among many priests at the findings I reported from the first Los Angeles Times study. Astonishment and blunt denial.”
At the same time, Greeley is just as critical of conservatives who think that getting rid of all the homosexuals will save the priesthood (he finds that only about 16% of priests are gay — higher than in the general population, but hardly an overwhelming number):
“There is nothing in this book that justifies the hysteria among some Catholics on the subject of homosexual priests.“

Priests: A Calling in Crisis, by Andrew M. Greeley
“Nor is there anything that will persuade the Vatican that homosexuals should not be banned from seminaries and the priesthood. The fury of the homophobia in the Church will not yield to data. It would be a wise policy for church leaders to tone down the hysteria and leave homosexual priests alone...“
According to Greeley, the sexual abuse crisis in the Catholic Church is not the result of any particular problem with priests; instead it is a problem with humans generally. The real problem within the Catholic Church lies with the efforts to keep the problems quiet and, later, the efforts to lay the blame on gay priests.
Quite a lot has been written on the problems that have been plaguing the Catholic Church and Catholic priests, so what makes this one so interesting? Most of the books on this subject have been written from a very partisan perspective and typically with an ideological axe to grind. Greeley, however, criticizes both liberals and conservatives. Greeley makes a good case for why both sides have made mistakes and that both sides have used the abuse crisis to advance their own agendas. Greeley certainly isn’t an independent observer, but he does a good job at being even-handed in this comments.

miércoles, 28 de mayo de 2008

Desordenes Alimenticios

Los problemas con la alimentacion mas comunes, son la anorexia nerviosa (AN) y la bulimia nerviosa (BN).
Las caracteristicas de la AN son que: se come muy poco, se cree que esta gorda, aunque su peso sea normal, y llega a dejar de menstruar, hasta 3 veces seguidas.
Las caracteristicas de la BN son que: se come demasiado, se provoca el vomito, se dan atrancones minimo 2 veces a la semana.
Tambien existen los DANI que incluyen todos los sintomas de una enfermedad, pero estos desaparecen, cuando la persona llega a su meta propuesta, ademas, no influye en las menstruaciones.
Muchas veces, los desastres alimenticios, se dan a causa de las personas famosas, ya que si alguien famoso, padece de alguna enfermedad, la persona que la considera su “heroe”, hace lo mismo con tal de ser igual que ella.
Tambien se ha dado un aumento significante, en las enfermedades alimenticias, en varones, ya que muchas veces las actividades que practican, lo requieren, además de que los hombres homosexuales, para parecer normales, se ponen a hacer ejercicio, o se ponen a hacer ejercicio (mas del necesario), para parecer personas heterosexuales.
Ademas, una persona con anorexia, si va con un psiquiatra, ya sea para tratar su problema alimenticio, o cualquier otro problema, no le va a servir de nada.
Tambien hay muchas veces, en las que se piensa que se tiene un trastorno alimenticio, pero en realidad solo se trata de una depresion, por el medio externo, como la muerte de un ser querido, o la separacion de los padres.
En una entrevista que lei, encontre que: “muchas personas prefieren morir a causa del cigarro, que morir siendo gordas”; tambien enconte que: "Vendemos siete mil números más si mencionamos la palabra 'dieta' en la tapa"
Algunos estudios muestran, que en los ultimos 10 años, el porcentaje de revistas con articulos dirigidos a dietas, hha subido 70%, lo que es una cifra alarmante, ya que entre mas exotica sea la manera de llevar la dieta, mas mujeres la van a seguir.
Tambien, mucha jente cree, que enflacar, le va a ayudar con su vida, lo cual es totalmente incierto, ya que por estar pensando en la comida, descuidan su ámbito laboral, social y escolar.
Es importante que recapacites: la apariencia juvenil va disminuyendo con los años, naturalmente, y los cuerpos adquieren otras formas, pero tu forma de relacionarte, tus habilidades y los conocimientos que adquieres son valores que siempre pueden aumentar y mejorar con el paso del tiempo.
Siempre que se quiere promocionar un nuevo articulo, en vez de poner a una mujer normal, ponen a una supermodelo, para que las mujeres crean que si son como ellas, van a tener mas éxito, o por lo menos, van a conseguir todo lo que ellas quieren.
Tambien, hay gente, que cuando por varias veces, hacen una dieta, y logran su objetivo, se sienten realizadas, pero si por alguna razon, alguna vez no lo logran, se desesperan, y empiezan a sufrir de la mencionada AN o BN.
Investigaciones recientes, muestran que hay mas muertes por personas anorexicas o bulimicas, que por personas con sobrepeso.
Tambien, hay veces, que la gente piensa que no tener éxito con las dietas, se debe a falta de voluntad, por lo que empiezan a ser AN o BN.
Tambien, se ha demostrado, que cualquier persona es propensa a tener algun desorden alimenticio, sin importar edad, sexo, e incluso peso; aunque las personas menos propensas a tener una enfermedad, son las que viven en las zonas rurales.
Algunas de las principales razones, además de las ya dadas anteriormente, es debido a problemas con su autonomia, problemas de autoestima, el camino a la perfeccióón y autocontrol, miedo a madurar, rasgos familiares.
Cuando se mantiene una dieta restrictiva, de una manera muy rigurosa, puede a la larga, creear un problema de anorexia o bulimia.
Ademas, cuando alguien sufre de anorexia o bulimia, solo quiere estar haciendo algo con su boca, lo que podria ser: mascar goma, o fumar.
Sin mencionar, que si alguien sufre de anorexia, lo mas seguro, es que cuando supere la enfermedad, seguira con bulimia.
Ademas, de que cuando se sufre de algun trastorno alimenticio, se pierde la concentración y cosas asi, relacionadas con el estudio.
Tambien, se a comprobado, que cuando alguien esta en una dieta rigurosa, esta persona, baja menos de peso, que alguien que tiene una dieta normal.

viernes, 23 de mayo de 2008

recomiendo libro

que onda, como estan?
espero k muy bien,
ps les pasaba a recomendar un libro, se llama la brujula dorada, si alguien ya lo leyo, o vio la pelicula, sientase libre de opinar.
ps bye
el nombre original del libro es: luces del norte

jueves, 22 de mayo de 2008


ps aqui le dejo esta frase, que me pense cuando perdio el atlas ayer:
"nada es un fracaso, si se hace con el corazon"
ojala les guste, sientanse libres de criticar y opinar

que onda

hey que onda
bienvenidos al blog... de aviones... ciencia... y mas cosas interesantes xD
ps ojala lo disfruten
y nos vemos mañana